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Take action for the people who make your clothes!

F.A.S.T. – FAIR living wage, ADULT labour only, SAFE working conditions, No unpaid overTIME

Flowers and Threads: 40 “Shaplas” (the national flower of Bangladesh) suspended from the ceiling– with drawings by garment workers in Dhaka, garment workers in Canada, and supporters. Sixteen text pieces in Bengali and English have quotes from garment workers.

Rana Plaza Memorial: Robin Pacific's installation was a contemplative space to remember those who died making our clothes. Rubble and scraps of clothing from the site, were combined with quotes and photographs of survivors inscribed on the backs of 11 chairs in a circle.

The Mock Sweatshop:
Three person t-shirts were sewn, helped by garment workers from Workers United Union. Participants were paid 40 cents an hour: rates in a Bangladesh sweatshop. Many selfies taken!
FASHION: pop-up market with indie Canadian designers led by Alarice Jones.

FOOD: delicious Bengali and Canadian street snacks for sale

MUSIC: Canadian and Bangladesh bands, led by Fucked Up's Mike Haliechuk and Mou Modhubontee
DANCE and POETRY: Bangladeshi dancers IM Creative Lab, and poet Mou Modhubontee
Two amazing evenings celebrated and honoured the people in Bangladesh who make our clothes. Participants sewed giant t-shirts in the Mock Sweatshop (and got paid 40 cents an hour, what garment workers in Bangladesh get paid). They spent a few moments in the contemplative space of the Rana Plaza Memorial to remember those who died, and those who survived. Shopped at the pop up fashion market featuring Canadian indie designers. Sampled delicious food. Canadian and Bangladeshi performers: HEX, LAL Jantrix, Lido Pimienta, Maylee Todd, IM Creative Lab (Bangladeshi dancers), Mou Modhubontee, Bicycle Opera Company and DEYS Official.
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